Cape Ann License Plate – Frequently Asked Questions

Is the $40 a one time payment? 
No. The $40 is paid every two years coinciding with your registration renewal along with the standard renewal fee of $60. So, the total is $100 every two years.

Where do I pick-up my plates?
If you qualify to order the plates online, the plates are mailed to your home, you do not need to go to the registry.

Can I reserve a custom license plate number? No, although low number plates from 1 – 100 have been reserved for future auction – please call the Cape Ann Chamber if you are interested in getting on a contact list for the auctions.

Can I have letters on my plate?
No. Letters are not allowed until all the 4 digit numbers, through 9999, are used.

Can leased vehicles have a Cape Ann License Plate (specialty plate)?
Yes, leased vehicles can get a plate.  However, leased vehicles can not order the plate online, they must go in person to a Registry location.

How will the license plate proceeds be distributed back to Cape Ann?
Proceeds are distributed through an affiliated non-profit organization, the Cape Ann Community Foundation, comprised of board members representing each of the four Cape Ann communities.

How do I update my EZ Pass information? 
To update your EZ Pass vehicle information with a new CA license plate, the process is as follows:

  • Go to the login page here: ezdrivema.com/ezpassmalogin and log in to your account.

  • In your account overview section, go to number of vehicles and click on review/edit

  • On the landing page, for the vehicle in question click on edit

  • In the dropdown list, select PASR – PASSENGER – SPECIAL SERIES – RED

  • Fill in your new CA plate number and save.